John Milledge Academy
John Milledge Academy campus

Private school in Georgia is expanding its campus with more high school space

Sept. 10, 2021
John Milledge Academy, a preK-12 school in Milledgeville, Ga., is adding science labs, classrooms for its high school classes.

John Milledge Academy in Milledgeville, Ga., is expanding its campus to provide more space for its high school classes.

The private preK-12 school is constructing two science laboratories and adding two high school classrooms. A black box theater and auditorium with seating for 100 will also be built, reports The Union-Recorder

The projects will cost about $1.7 million. The school has about $340,000 raised and has a capital campaign to raise funds by the end of the school year.

The high school is at full capacity; it now has 11 classrooms.

Construction of the additions is expected to be completed by next spring.

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