Fulton County Schools
66d9ead3a6fe1c29afdc93fe North Springs Charter High Render Edited

Fulton County (Georgia) district breaks ground on replacement high school

Sept. 5, 2024
A new North Springs Charter High School is being built next to the existing campus in Sandy Springs.
Appen Media reports that the facility will be constructed next to the existing North Springs Charter High, built in 1963.

Fulton County Schools officials said total costs for the project will come to $175 million. The money comes from the county's one-penny education sales tax, ESPLOST.
Plans call for demolishing the school's athletic facilities to create room to construct the new academic buildings without displacing students.
If the school buildings are completed on schedule, students will start the 2027-28 school year in the new facility.
At that point, the district will tear down the old high school and build out new athletic facilities.

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