
$89 million overhaul of Nashville high school is underway

Renovations and additions at Hillsboro High School will be completed in 2020.
Aug. 29, 2017

The Metro Nashville (Tenn.) school system has begun the construction phase of an $89 million overhaul of Hillsboro High School.

The district held a groundbreaking ceremony earlier this month for the project, which will renovate the existing school facility as well as construct additions to enhance the learning environment on campus.

The school's Parent Teacher Student Organization web site says the gut renovation of the main school building, constructed in 1954, and the additions will completely transform the 28-acre campus.

The existing building was constructed  after the original school was destroyed in a fire in 1952.

When the renovation is complete in 2020, students will be provided with new project-based learning spaces and an enclosed courtyard, as well as a new enrollment center and a mini public transportation hub.

Several features already on the campus—a recycling center, fruit stand and Christmas tree lot—will remain. 

The architect is ARTifice.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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