A $3 million donation will enable York College in York, Neb., to renovate the 117-year-old Hulitt Hall.
The college says the makeover, the largest renovation project in the college's history, will being this year.
“We are excited to see Hulitt Hall renewed and restored," says Steve Eckman, York College president. “It is a beloved, iconic structure for many alumni. Through the years it had fallen into disrepair, and this opportunity to reinvent a campus landmark in a way that will serve future guests, students and alumni has been a goal for many years.”
The donor providing the $3 million wishes to remain anonymous.
The hall, constructed in 1903, will be transformed into a focal point for campus visitors and a hub for campus services for students. Details will not be finalized until summer 2020, but renovation plans call for construction of a new entryway designed to match the original structure, several interior features to make the building meet accessibility standards and an overall design that will better serve the needs of current students.
During its history, Hulitt Hall has served many purposes. Early in its history it was the college’s music conservatory; later it served for many years as a residence hall, providing student housing until 1972.
Since that time, Hulitt Hall has been used mostly for offices and classrooms.
“Hulitt Hall renovations combined with the recent $2.25 million Title III grant from the Department of Education gives us an opportunity to explore a broad collection of initiatives that will assure better service for students from their first campus visit, through their student days and into their years when they return as alumni,” says Brent Magner, the college’s vice president for advancement.
The architect of record for the project is Graham Design USA.