
Erie (Pa.) district is upgrading ventilation systems at Edison Elementary School

The improvements are needed to help combat Covid-19 in the aging school building.
Sept. 7, 2021

The Erie (Pa.) district is upgrading ventilation systems at Edison Elementary School

The district is upgrading the systems partially because of the Covid-19 pandemic, reports Go Erie news

The ventilation improvements at Edison are likely to cost as much as $100,000, primarily because of the age of the building, according to architects. The district will use some of its Covid relief funding to help pay for the upgrades.

In 2018, the district launched an $80.8 million building renovation effort that has upgraded all the district's 16 school buildings. The improvements include security vestibules, updated ventilation systems, new windows, upgraded gymnasiums and new roofs and parking lots.

The pandemic aid has enabled the district to earmark a large amount of the federal money for new ventilation systems.

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