Safety & Security

Family of slain Texas Southern University student sues school

Lawsuit says university's lax security efforts played in role in October 2015 fatal shooting
Jan. 7, 2016

The family of a student shot to death last year outside a residence hall at Texas Southern University in Houston has sued the school.

The Houston Chronicle reports that the family of freshman Brent Randall contends in the lawsuit that the university did not provide sufficient security on the campus.

Pointing to previous shootings on the campus, the family asserts that Texas Southern "knew or reasonably should have known of the dangerous condition of the premises."

Randall was one of two people shot in October outside the Courtyard Apartments. The shooting was one of four last fall at Texas Southern.

Following the shooting, the university bolstered security by imposing curfews, setting up sign-in sheets at residence halls, carrying out random room checks and adding more patrols.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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