Cameras & Surveillance

Queens University gets an in-kind security grant

The grant is a year-long $250,000 in-kind grant whereby the school will receive Video Insight Video Management Software (VMS) licenses; 16 IP video surveillance cameras; 1 video encoder that includes VMS software licenses; 10 years of software upgrades

Queens University in Charlotte is the first college or university to be awarded the Video Insight School Security Grant.

The grant is a year-long $250,000 in-kind grant whereby the school will receive Video Insight Video Management Software (VMS) licenses; 16 IP video surveillance cameras; 1 video encoder that includes VMS software licenses; 10 years of software upgrades; one year of a customer assurance program; and product training, according to a press release.

“This grant will jump-start a desperately needed program including proactive and forensic benefits to the university community. We are constantly looking for ways to make our institution as safe as possible in order to provide an environment that is conducive for learning, living, working, and visiting our campus,” said Queens University Associate Vice President for Campus Safety/Chief of Police Ray Thrower in the release.

Each month Video Insight will award a school or college the equipment necessary to implement a video surveillance solution.

About the Author

Kimberlee Payton-Jones

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