
2 boys shot to death in parking lot of California elementary school

Nov. 25, 2019
The victims, 14 and 11, were shot while sitting in a van at Searles Elementary in Union City, Calif.

Two boys were shot to death Saturday while sitting in a van at an elementary school parking lot in Northern California.

CNN reports that the victims, ages 11 and 14, were shot early Saturday outside Searles Elementary School in Union City, about 20 miles southeast of Oakland.

Police say the two were in the parking lot at 1:26 a.m. when the incident happened.

The New Haven Unified School District says one of the boys was a student in the district; the other was a former student.

 New Haven Superintendent John Thompson said in a message on the district's website that the district will have support for students and staff available when classes resume after Thanksgiving.

The names of the victims have not been disclosed.

"The Union City Police Department is diligently looking into the motive for this tragic incident ... Crime scene investigators have collected several items of evidence, including shell casings," police say.

Investigators said they're working to determine whether the shooting is connected to one that happened in the city four days prior and left two men injured.

"Although there is no evidence to show that these two incidents are linked, investigators have not ruled out that possibility," police said.

Before Saturday's incident, 45 school shootings had occurred this year in the United States, according to a CNN tally.

Because there is no single definition for what qualifies as a school shooting, CNN's tally includes shootings on school property—buildings, athletic fields, parking lots, stadiums and buses.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy | Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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