Crime & Bullying Prevention

Teen charged with murder in shooting death of New York City high school student struck by a stray bullet

Jeremiah Ryan, 17, is accused of fatally shooting Angellyh Yambo near the Bronx high school she attended.
April 12, 2022
2 min read

A teenager in New York City has been charged with murder in the shooting death of a 16-year-old Bronx high school student who was struck by a stray bullet as she walked home from school. 

The New York Post reports that Jeremiah Ryan, 17, is accused of shooting Angellyh Yambo Friday afternoon near the South Bronx Educational CampusYambo was one of three teenagers wounded by shots allegedly fired by Ryan a half block or more away as he was quarreling with someone.

The other two victims are expected to survive their wounds.

None of the victims were intended targets, police said.

Ryan also has been charged with attempted murder and criminal possession of a weapon. He was being held without bond.

Angellyh was a student at the University Prep Charter High School, one of the schools housed at the South Bronx Educational Campus.

"Angellyh was bright, funny and known by fellow students as someone who cared deeply about those around her," said a statement from the school on its website. "Angellyh was everything that is right about her community and about our country....The shock, sadness and anger can turn to activism with our continued focus on educational equity for all and stopping gun violence in the South Bronx."

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