Fire & Life Safety

Fire damages building on Salt Lake Community College's Taylorsville, Utah, campus

No one was injured; the applied technology building was vacant at the time, but sustained serious damage.
June 23, 2020

 A building on the Taylorsville, Utah, campus of Salt Lake Community College sustained serious damage in a fire.

The Deseret News reports that the blaze started on the roof of the college’s applied technology building.

No injuries were reported. Authorities say no one was in the building when the fire started.

Damage assessments were not immediately available.

The building was undergoing renovations, which made suppressing the fire difficult, officials say. Because most of the walls in the building are either broken down or under construction, the fire was able to move freely through the building..

High winds in the area Monday also posed difficulties for fire crews. 

The cause is still under investigation, but officials say because the fire started on the roof, it could have stemmed from an HVAC system or electrical problems. 

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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