Fire & Life Safety

Iowa high school student dies in crash with school bus

The student from Benton High School in Van Horne, Iowa, was driving a van that crashed with a school bus
Sept. 17, 2020
2 min read

An Iowa high school student has been killed in an accident involving a school bus and a van.

The Cedar Rapids Gazette reports that the student attended Benton High School in Van Horne, Iowa.

The crash occurred on 15th Avenue south of Keystone, Iowa. Police say the student was driving a van Wednesday morning when it dropped off the shoulder of the road multiple times, overcorrected and crossed head on into the path of a Benton school bus.

Five other students were transported to healthcare facilities for minor injuries.The bus driver was not injured.

The identity of the deceased student has not been disclosed.

Benton Superintendent Pamela Ewell issued a statement on Facebook:

"The District mourns the significant loss the student’s family and our school community are experiencing," Ewell said."We understand the considerable emotional impact this can have on our students and families and are making counseling services available.

"The driver of the school bus and student passengers were evaluated at the scene, and some were transported by local EMS or parents to healthcare facilities for evaluation and treatment for minor injuries. We are extremely appreciative to law enforcement and first responders from our area who quickly responded.

"We are also grateful to our parents and students who remained calm in an unthinkable situation.The District has been and will continue working with local law enforcement and other agencies as they assess what occurred and determine appropriate next steps."

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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