Physical Security

Michigan district will challenge ruling that allows guns in schools

 A judge has ruled that the Clio district must allow a man into his daughter's school even when he is openly carrying a gun.
Aug. 12, 2015

The Clio Area (Mich.) School District will appeal a judge's ruling that allows a father to openly carry a gun inside his daughter's elementary school.

The Detroit Free Press reports that the Clio school board voted 6 to 0 to ask the Michigan Court of Appeals to reverse the lower court decision.

Clio Superintendent Fletcher Spears also urged the state legislature to change the state's open-carry laws to remove the ambiguity that allows some to possess guns on school grounds.

Several lawsuits have been filed against Michigan school districts that have asserted their right to establish gun-free zones.

Circuit Judge Archie Hayman on Monday ruled in favor of Kenneth Herman and the gun-rights advocacy group Michigan Open Carry.

Herman sued the Clio district earlier this year after being denied access to Edgerton Elementary multiple times because he was carrying his pistol openly.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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