Schoolhouse Beat

Birmingham (Ala.) district will close 7 schools

2 middle and 5 elementary schools will be shuttered as part of a $6 million cost-saving plan.
March 13, 2013

The Birmingham (Ala.) School Board has voted to close seven schools, change the grade configuration at three others and lay off dozens of employees. says the cost cutting will save the district close to $6 million. Closing this summer: Center Street and Daniel Payne middle schools; and Councill, Hemphill, Lewis, Norwood and North Roebuck elementary schools. Schools that will have modified grade structures: Bush Middle will become a K-8; Oxmoor K-8 will convert to a K-5; and South Hampton Elementary will become a K-8.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger


Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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