Schoolhouse Beat

Some residents in western Orange County, Fla., don't want new high school built in their neighborhood

Opponents say rural area is an inappropriate site for such a large campus

The Orange County (Fla.) district wants to build a high school on a 69-acre rural parcel in the western part of the county, but many nearby residents assert that the project would be too tall and too large for the area. The Orlando Sentinel reports that the district hopes to open the school in 2017, but must get permission from county commissioners. A new campus is needed because West Orange High School, several miles north, is about 500 students over capacity and expects to gain an additional 800 students in the next five years. District officials argue that their proposal for the new school complies with county regulations and is the best location of 10 that were considered.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger


Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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