Schoolhouse Beat

Plan finalized for $1 billion construction push in Baltimore city schools

State's Board of Public Works approves plan for 10 years of facility upgrades.

Officials in Maryland have finalized an agreement that will facilitate a $1 billion, decade-long effort to upgrade Baltimore city school facilities. The Baltimore Sun says Maryland Board of Public Works has voted unanimously to approve a Memorandum of Understanding that will serve as a blueprint for construction effort. It outlines the roles and responsibilities of state and local agencies over the course of the 10-year plan. The school system, city government and state will each contribute $20 million annually in order to leverage up to $1.1 billion in bonds. The Maryland Stadium Authority will leverage the bonds and also manage all new construction. The school system will oversee renovations.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger


Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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