Schoolhouse Beat

Teacher dies trying to prevent shooting at middle school

Student at Sparks Middle School in Sparks, Nev., takes his own life after shooting teacher Michael Landsberry; 2 other students are wounded.

A teacher at Sparks Middle School in Sparks, Nev., was shot to death while trying to persuade an armed student to put down his weapon. The Reno Gazette-Journal reports that Michael Landsberry, a math teacher, was shot by a 13-year-old student armed with a semi-automatic handgun. Two other students were wounded, and the armed student subsequently shot himself to death.

Video from CBS News: MORE: View a Facebook page created to honor Michael Landsberry. EARLIER: A student at a middle school in Sparks, Nev., opened fire on campus, wounding two boys and killing a staff member who was trying to protect other children. The Associated Press reports that the lone suspected gunman also was dead, but it was unclear whether the student committed suicide.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy Blogger


Mike Kennedy has written for AS&U since 1999.

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