David Lalush
Richardson Career Shb 64371f467152b

From the 2022 Architectural Portfolio: Mark Richardson Career Technical Education Center & Agricultural Farm

April 12, 2023
The project was recognized in the High Schools category.

The Career Technical Education (CTE) Center & Agriculture Farm campus in Santa Maria, Calif., features four CTE workshops, an ag pavilion, livestock barn, and student agricultural fields. Each workshop is just over 4,500 square feet, combining for a total of over 18,000 square feet of technical education teaching space. The ag pavilion houses a culinary arts kitchen, two flexible classrooms, an office, restrooms, and an outdoor presentation area that can be used by faculty and students, and for special events. This new industrial kitchen will enable students to get hands-on culinary arts experience practicing catering and food prep in a professional setting. A 16,000-square-foot livestock barn contains a teaching space, covered animal pens, feed storage, animal washing and grooming stations, weighing station, and general animal care areas along with demonstration spaces for training and show exercises.

Read more about the Mark Richardson Career Technical Education Center & Agricultural Farm and view a photo gallery at SchoolDesigns.com.

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