Keith Isaacs
658361185d9e76001e62428e Zeanah Shb

From the 2023 Educational Interiors Showcase: Zeanah Engineering Complex, University of Tennessee

Dec. 20, 2023
The project was recognized as an outstanding design in the Technology/STEM Centers category.

The Zeanah Engineering Complex at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville contains flexible laboratory spaces, laboratory support spaces, general-purpose classrooms, reconfigurable collaborative spaces, innovation labs, makerspaces, and administrative spaces. The facility is a new gateway to the Tickle College of Engineering and home to the Department of Nuclear Engineering. Three floors of active learning classrooms are dedicated to engineering fundamentals. The design is focused on innovative hands-on learning, student and faculty research needs, technology-rich learning spaces, and long-term flexibility to optimize adaptation to emerging programs and technologies.

Read more about the Zeanah Engineering Complex and view a photo gallery at

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