
Laws on the local, state and federal level affect how schools and universities operate their institutions.


Gov. DeSantis' Press Office

Florida governor proposes big jump in starting teachers' salaries

Oct. 7, 2019
Gov. Ron DeSantis wants to spend $600 million to boost starting teachers' salaries in Florida to $47,500 a year.
school security

Senators propose national clearinghouse for school safety

Oct. 2, 2019
The School Safety Clearinghouse Act would establish a federal agency that would collect best practices for school security and design.
Kansas Supreme Court

New school funding law meets constitutional requirements, Kansas Supreme Court says

June 14, 2019
After years of inadequate funding by the legislature, justices say increased appropriations for schools have addressed constitutional shortcomings.

Texas school finance overhaul provides an additional $6.5 billion for schools

June 11, 2019
The legislation signed by Gov. Greg Abbott is projected to boost base per-pupil spending by 20%.

Maryland legislation adds $850 million in school funding over 2 years

May 16, 2019
Gov. Larry Hogan allows the school funding bill to become law despite "significant reservations."

Judge says North Carolina owes local districts $730 million that was improperly withheld

March 7, 2019
Decision reaffirms 2008 ruling that school district should have received the proceeds of civil fines collected over 9 years.
New Jersey Governor's Office

New law requires New Jersey schools to install silent alarms

Feb. 7, 2019
All 2,500 schools in the state will have the alarms installed.
CBS News

New laws boost school bus safety in New Jersey

Dec. 19, 2018
Legislation was prompted by a May bus crash that killed a teacher and a student from Paramus, N.J.
Maryland governor's office

Maryland governor proposes $3.5 billion school construction program

Dec. 12, 2018
Gov. Larry Hogan says the plan would be the largest investment in school construction in Maryland history.